

FILM PROCESS (2008 – )  

At first, I had a hundred-meter-long, clear film reel, on which I hand-painted my childhood landscape - and named this painted film Pori–Helsinki. After that, I have painted several layers over Pori–Helsinki, and edited some rather eclectic video footage into the mix. The material beneath the surface - and from there occasionally pushing up to the surface - is an eesential part of this multi-year body of work. Over the years, digital expression has increased in the process alongside analoque.

FI / Vuonna 2008 maalasin kirkkaalle 35mm filmille sata metriä pitkän lapsuuden maiseman, Pori–Helsingin. Tämän jälkeen olen maalannut useita kerroksia Pori–Helsingin päälle, ja editoinut filmin sekaan yhä enemmän muuta liikkuvan kuvan materiaalia. Pinnan alla oleva, ja sieltä valillä pintaan työntyvä aines on olennainen osa tätä monivuotista teoskokonaisuutta. Vuosien myötä digitaalinen ilmaisu on lisääntynyt prosessissa analogisuuden rinnalla.

More about the process

I Pori-Helsinki, 2008
II Sea
III Attraction
IV Beautiful Confusion
V Mixed Feelings...Mixed Media, Mixed Tapes
VI Uusi mato / New Bugs
VII Trapeze Net / Trapetsiverkko, 2023



I Pori-Helsinki,  2008–  
edit1 16:30, edit2 5:50 min
painting and editing: Miia Rinne
sound: Tapani Rinne and Tuomas Norvio (aka Verneri Lumi)
Pori-Helsinki (extract) on Vimeo


II Sea,   2012-13 | extract
5:43 min
painting and editing: Miia Rinne
sound: Pentti Dassum

Premiere of Sea in Studio 44, Stockholm


III Attraction,  2015 | extract
5:00 min
painting and editing: Miia Rinne
sound: Emma Augustsson, Anton Svanberg, and Jesper Eriksson


IV Beautiful Confusion,  2017  | extract
3:30 min
film and video work : Miia Rinne
music and sound: P.P. Puska and Zemlja


V Mixed Feelings... Mixed Media, Mixed Tapes,  2020 | extract
4:40 min
film, video and sound work: M. Rinne
music: P.P. Puska


VI Uusi mato / New Bugs,  2021/22 | extract
5:50 min
film and video work: M. Rinne
music: P.P. Puska



VII Trapeze Net / Trapetsiverkko, 2023
4:40 min (ratio 9:16)
film and video work: Miia Rinne
music: P.P.Puska, mastering: Petri Hagner
Trapeze Net on Vimeo | extract




Pantagruel´s Mouth (2010) | 3-channel video installation
4:40 min
montage: Miia Rinne
sound: Pentti Dassum
Pantagruel´s Mouth on Vimeo

Pantagruel´s Mouth consists of three video projections side by side, each showing the passing of a journey. Material comes from a variety of feature movies. Using short citations, I have built a new journey within the universe of other stories.

Pantagruel's Mouth relates to the human need to tell stories and fantasize. The title comes's from Renaissance writer F. Rabelais. In one of his story, the narrator-character gets lost in the mouth of the giant Pantagruel, and finds there a new world.




Skull (2002)
4:40 min
montage: Miia Rinne
sound: Christer Nuutinen
Skull on Vimeo

Skull is a ride into driver's head.




Social Physics (2009)
2:50 min
montage and sound: Miia Rinne
Social Physics on Vimeo

Playing with boxes, 16 mm film, found footage, montage, and sound.




But the most important thing is love (2003)
4:00 min
montage Miia Rinne
sound: Christer Nuutinen
But the most important thing is love on Vimeo

A collage of life.
Sometimes sound gives a hint of something coming,
and sometimes it refers to something already gone.


©Miia Rinne